What is an airplant?
An airplant is able to live and grow mostly from the humidity, which is why the plant only needs little care. The plant is an epiphyte with very few or even no roots, as it originally grows on other plants and trees. In the wild, airplants take in their nutrients from humidity and rain. This happens with help of the trichomes; the tiny white structures on the leaves of the plant. These trichomes mediate the process of absorbing water leading to more efficiency in the process. An airplant does not need any soil in order to grow or flourish. That’s right, an airplant could also bloom a purple and yellow flower in exceptional cases. Specific species will also be turning into a red color in their flowering stage.

Where do airplants grow?
These unique plants originally grow in tropical areas, mainly in Central- and South-America. Our airplants are grown from cuttings or seed in Guatemala, a country known for its ancient Maya civilization.
How old is an airplant?
The majority of the airplants you’ll find, is more than two years old. An exception is the Tillandsia xerographica, which will on average be approximately four years old as you find them in store, but is able to get up to 20 years old!
Tillandsia and airplants, how do these two relate?
In essence, both names point out the same plant species. Tillandsia is the name of the genus, where the name airplants is being used for the Tillandsia species that are able to grow without soil.
How many different species of airplants are there?
There are over 500 different airplant species! The most common species are the ionantha, abdita, multiflora, juncea, caput medusae, magnusiana, circinata, harrisii, schiedeana, usneoides and of course the xerographica (also known as the king of airplants).

How do I take care of my airplant?
In general, airplants require little care. Though, it is important that you spray them regularly. It is recommended to spray your airplant once every two weeks with colder days and once every week during warmer days, preferably with the Take Airplants care spray. Also, soaking the airplants monthly in water for 120-180 minutes is very much appreciated, after this you should let the airplants dry out completely. We advise you to begin this soaking method right after your purchase if the airplants don’t have their healthy look. It is recommended to repeat this soaking method again if the airplants start to lose their healthy look. Airplants can be put inside as well as outside with a temperature between 5 and 35 degrees Celsius. The plants do not like to be put in full sun, but do like to have a bright spot.
For more detailed caring information and tips, feel free to visit this page.
Take care of your airplant!